Wednesday, July 11, 2012

What Is Cold Process Soap

Cold Process Handmade Soap production is required by low-temperature.  Once heated the materials, protein, vitamins, amino acids and other rare ingredients will be a huge loss, we all know that honey cannot be poured in 60°C (140°F) or above water temperature, and raw vegetables contains more nutritions than cooked.  The loss of most of the nutritions in the cooking process, this is because most nutritions are not heat resistant.  High temperature will destroy the elements which are beneficial for the skin.

Another feature is the long time processing, a piece of cold soap, from production to completion of at least a month's time, typically cured and hardened on a drying rack for 2-6 weeks before use.  During this cure period, trace amounts of residual lye is consumed by saponification and excess water evaporates.

This is a difficulty for the manufacturer of the industrialized mass production.  Normally, the commercial soap providers will take a more cost-effective approach - to use the hot process method, heated to high temperatures, enabling the saponification speed greatly improve.  Originally, saponification is a month, but three hours of the hot process method can be done, but most of the nutrients have been destroyed.

Cold Process Soap in order to maximize the retention of the elements of skin healthy nutrition, choose to use low-temperature method, the temperature does not exceed 60°C (140°F).  But low temperatures process, the saponification is very slow, from 1 to 3 months, at least a month.

For details, please visit

Handmade Soap - Fruit Strawberry

Handmade Soap - Cartoon Beetle

Handmade Soap - Romance Heart Flower

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